News/Events - February 2016

Farmers Focus on Climate Change at Farm Stewardship Workshop

Partner talking to landowner at information boothFarmers and rural landowners from across East Central Ontario gathered in Peterborough for the 4th Annual Kawartha Farm Stewardship Workshop on Saturday, February 6th, 2016.

Featured guest speakers included Dr. Ralph Martin of the University of Guelph on climate change adaptation and the sustainability of our global and local food production and distribution. Don McCabe, President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, emphasized the unique role that farmers have, stressing that management practices used in farming can offer mitigation and adaptation to the potential impacts of climate change. Robin Brown, of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, highlighted the new features of the Growing Forward 2 Program, including the cost-share assistance to support environmental performance and climate change adaptation on the farm.

The workshop also included presentations on invasive plant species in the Kawartha’s and the implementation of local drinking water source protection plans in East Central Ontario. Several members of the Kawartha Farm Stewardship Collaborative (KFSC) were available to provide information on the technical and financial assistance offered for on-farm stewardship projects. For more information on the KFSC, please visit

FAW Mentees Attend Maple Syrup Info Day!

Maple Syrup Mentees at Info Day
Participants in Farms at Work's Maple Syrup Production Mentorship Program attended the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Association's annual info day last Thursday! The association invited all local producers to Campbellford to learn about current topics in maple syrup production and to meet other producers in the region.

Register for one of our mentorship programs to participate in unique learning opportunities like this, and to gain practical skills in your area of interest! Click here for more information.